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The Ministry of Health warns: an increase in morbidity from Streptococcus A | Israel today


This is a common bacteria that usually causes a sore throat, but can also cause blood infection and death

The Ministry of Health warned today (Monday) of an increase in morbidity from Streptococcus A, which has caused morbidity and even death in Europe for children aged 10 and under.

The Department of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health states that in Israel there is an impression of an increase in infections from streptococci that end in blood infection that may lead to shock and death.

The office wants to raise awareness among medical teams of the issue, and requests that every case be reported.

This is a common bacteria that usually causes sore throats, but can also cause blood infection and death, and the incidence of this complication is on the rise.

Streptococcus A bacteria can cause an infection of the pharynx and tonsils.

The disease is highly contagious and common among children over the age of three, and especially among school-aged children (peak prevalence is at age 7-8).

But teenagers and adults can also get it.

The disease is usually contracted following exposure to respiratory secretions of a sick person;

Every sneeze, cough and hand contact of a person with strep throat can infect others.

This is mainly in crowded conditions to reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended to wash your hands after coughing or sneezing and before eating or preparing food. 

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Source: israelhayom

All life articles on 2023-01-02

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